Thursday 22 May 2008

The Burning Man

May 2008

It started with this picture of Ernesto Alfabeto Nhamuave.

I was working on my new documentary about Wole Soyinka. The filming had taken us from South Africa to Nigeria and we had just landed in London. At my host’s house, I came down for breakfast and the morning paper was on the table. The unsightly image of a burning man greeted me. More grotesque were the people around the man, laughing. I picked up the paper to find out which part of the world this cruelty was being inflicted. I have never recovered from that picture.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Extracts From The Diary Of A Filmmaker

21 May 2008

I remember a moment with a Somali taxi driver in Toronto last year when I told him I was from South Africa. He asked, “Why are you killing my people?” I had no answer other than to apologize. There is no 'them' killing his people, it's 'us'. It affects us all and we need to do something and not ignore the warning signs. I’m not even looking for the rainbow sign because this is already the fire next time.